Dwell time in uterus and vagina as parameter to analyze the dose distribution in cervix carcinoma for brachytherapy with Co-60 source. Clinical cases.


  • Gustavo Piriz Cátedra Oncologia Radioterápica/Hospital de Clínicas/Facultad de Medicina/Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay
  • Yolma A. Banguero Cátedra Oncologia Radioterápica, Hospital de Clínicas, Facultad de Medicina/Centro de Investigaciones Nucleares, Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de la República
  • Arleth M. Pelaez Curso de Metodología Científica/ Licenciatura de Fisioterapia, Escuela Universitária de Tecnologias Medicas / Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay
  • Fernando J. Lema Instituto de Radiología y Centro de Lucha Conta el Cáncer/Centro Hospitalario Pereira Rossell, Montevideo, Uruguay
  • Alejandro DeRosa Instituto de Radiología y Centro de Lucha Conta el Cáncer/Centro Hospitalario Pereira Rossell, Montevideo, Uruguay
  • Aldo Quarneti Cátedra Oncologia Radioterápica/Hospital de Clínicas/Facultad de Medicina/Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay




Brachytherapy; dose distribution; intracavitary treatment, cervix neoplasm, optimization.


Intracavitary gynecological brachytherapy use as aparameter for dose distribution the relationship among de length of pear in the three axes directions regards ICRU 38.  The ratio h/w, h/t gives us a parameter to figure it how the uterus and vagina are covered.  This work correlates these ratios with the dwell times inside the uterus (Tu) and vagina (Tv) intending to know if we can use these times as parameters for the dose shape distribution.  It was made an optimized treatment planning for 120 sessions of 6 Gy each one, following ABS recommendations, the ICRU 38, and 89. The planning system used is HDRplus3.0.4 with an HDR EZAG‐ BEBIG Co0.A86 brachytherapy machine with Cobalt 60.  Taking into account the time modulation in tandem and the time differences between the left and right irradiation in the vagina, It was studied the correlation variation with the number of sessions for the ratio Tu/Tv with h/w and h/t. It was found a correlation between Tu/Tv with h/w and h/t, and it is dependent on the number of data.  There is a good correlation between de ratio Tu/Tv with h/w and h/t respectively, which is stronger for the first one.


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How to Cite

Piriz, G., Banguero, Y. A., Pelaez, A. M., Lema, F. J., DeRosa, A., & Quarneti, A. . (2022). Dwell time in uterus and vagina as parameter to analyze the dose distribution in cervix carcinoma for brachytherapy with Co-60 source. Clinical cases. Brazilian Journal of Medical Physics, 16, 597. https://doi.org/10.29384/rbfm.2022.v16.19849001597



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