Implementação de um Programa de Controle de Qualidade Remoto para Avaliação de Imagens em Radiografia Convencional e Mamografia


  • Mariana Pastore Fogagnoli UNIFESP
  • Pedro Paulo Araújo Cavalcante UNIFESP
  • Luís Otávio Nunes da Silva
  • Fabio Leone Gagetti UNIFESP
  • Pablo Henrique de Oliveira Souza UNIFESP
  • Regina Bitelli Medeiros UNIFESP
  • Marcelo Baptista de Freitas UNIFESP



física médica, controle de qualidade, simulador, qualidade de imagem, radiologia


International studies have shown that regular monitoring of image quality in radiology and mammography has a positive impact on quality control (QC) programs for these diagnostic modalities. Considering they can be performed periodically and without the presence of an expert, these assays require particular phantoms and methods that allow its application in clinical practice. In this sense, the present work evaluated the implementation in clinical practice of remote quality control program proposed by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA Human Health Series – Nº39). Phantoms recommended by the IAEA publication were manufactured using materials available on the national market (acrylic, copper and aluminium plates). Images of these simulators were acquired using digital and computerized radiology systems on conventional radiography and mammography equipment. The images were analyzed using the program developed and made available by the IAEA (ATIA), which automatically quantifies advanced image quality metrics, such as SNR, SDNR, MTF, NNPS and detectability index (d'), in addition to identifying artifacts in the image and generate variance maps. The results obtained indicate that it is possible to evaluate quantitative image quality metrics not yet incorporated into the traditional QC routine with low-cost and viable phantoms from the material available in the national market. Periodic evaluations of these metrics, on weekly or monthly basis, should ease the identification changes in the performance of imaging systems, contributing for the implementation of corrections even before the quality control annually required by the National Health Agency (ANVISA).


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How to Cite

Pastore Fogagnoli, M., Araújo Cavalcante, P. P., Nunes da Silva, L. O., Leone Gagetti, F., de Oliveira Souza, P. H., Bitelli Medeiros, R., & Baptista de Freitas, M. (2022). Implementação de um Programa de Controle de Qualidade Remoto para Avaliação de Imagens em Radiografia Convencional e Mamografia. Brazilian Journal of Medical Physics, 16, 696.



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