Effective Dose in Chest Radiographic Exams: A Study with Semi-Anatomical Phantom


  • Thiago Victorino Claus Universidade Franciscana (UFN) https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1446-0721
  • Flávio Augusto Soares Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina (IFSC)
  • Tobias Soares Gomes Instituto Federal de santa Catarina (IFSC) https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7635-8880
  • Tadeu Baumhardt Universidade Federal de Santa Maria/ Hospital Universitário de Santa Maria
  • Igor Costa do Amaral Universidade Franciscana (UFN)
  • Jéssica Fetzer
  • Luísa Vargas Cassol https://orcid.org/0009-0003-3130-4453




Radiografia, Radiologia computadorizada, Dose efetiva, Razão Sinal-Ruído


The experimental study aimed to assess the impact of exposure technique on Image Quality (IQ) and Effective Dose (ED) estimation in chest radiographic examinations, with the aim of optimizing this technique. Using a fixed radiographic equipment, a semi-anatomical chest phantom, and a Computerized Radiography (CR) system for image digitization, ten exposure technique combinations were tested, five for each of the two projections: Posteroanterior (PA) and lateral (LAT). Radiation dose measurements were conducted with a calibrated dosimetric set. The ED and average organ doses were estimated for each technique-projection set using PCXMC software. IQ evaluation was carried out through the "regions of interest" tool in ImageJ software, calculating the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) and Contrast-to-Noise Ratio (CNR) based on the average signal and noise values obtained. A Figure of Merit (FM) was developed to assess the impact of technique optimization. Results indicated that the proposed exposure technique optimization led to a significant reduction in patient ED with minimal impact on IQ. Increasing the voltage by 44.4% (from 81 to 117 kVp) and reducing the product of current and time by 92% (from 20 to 1.6 mA.s for PA and from 40 to 3.2 mA.s for LAT) allowed for approximately 90% reduction in ED for both projections, while improving IQ descriptors. It is concluded that this approach is effective in enhancing the safety and efficacy of chest radiographic procedures, thereby providing clinical benefits to patients.


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How to Cite

Victorino Claus, T., Augusto Soares, F., Soares Gomes, T., Baumhardt, T., Costa do Amaral, I., Fetzer, J., & Vargas Cassol, L. (2024). Effective Dose in Chest Radiographic Exams: A Study with Semi-Anatomical Phantom. Brazilian Journal of Medical Physics, 18, 779. https://doi.org/10.29384/rbfm.2024.v18.19849001779



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